CB what? CB who?

CBD! Legally less than 0.3% THC
-What is CBD?
-What does CBD do?
-How do you use CBD?

Those are just a few questions clients are asking when it comes to hearing about CBD for the first time. We will provide you with very simple terms below so that you have a basic understanding about the term Cannabis, CBD, one major difference between CBD and THC. Plus, various ways CBD is manufactured for use. Our RI cannabis card Doctor on-site is a CBD expert and actively conducts research about CBD however please note the information we provide is general information to educate and NOT meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. 

What is CBD?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol, this is one of many compounds (a naturally produced chemical) found in a Cannabis plant. A Cannabis plant is a plant from the flowering plant family Cannabaceae*. Think Roses! There are many different Rose plants and they come from the flowering plant family Rosaceae; they can produce flowers on a long stem that have leaves (named long stemmed roses) or on a bush that also produces flowers with leaves. Just like Roses there are many different flowering Cannabis plants. Hemp and Marijuana are two different flowering Cannabis plants; both plants have leaves and flowers that are different in size/appearance. Now you know why some people call parts of these plants "flower or bud" and those parts of the plants may be used for medicinal use. The CBD compound is taken from one of the Cannabis plants: either a Hemp plant (which has more CBD) or a Marijuana plant (which has less CBD) to make CBD products, think roses again! The CBD is found in the flowers, stems, and leaves of these two plants. A Cannabis plant can have over 100 compounds and some well known named compounds found in today's products are: THC=tetrahydrocannabinol, CBN=cannabinol, and CBG=Cannabigerol. *"The Cannabaceae family of flowering plants can be trees, erect herbs (Cannabis), or twining herbs".
When it comes to CBD products there are 3 categories:
Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum, and Isolate

1. Full Spectrum CBDcontains all the compounds that naturally occur in the whole cannabis Hemp plant, including trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
2. Broad Spectrum CBDcontains all the compounds that naturally occur in the whole cannabis Hemp plant, except tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is removed.
3. Isolate CBD- CBD is the only compound it contains from the whole cannabis Hemp plant, unless noted by vendor.

These items do not treat or cure any conditions. It may be best to consult your medical provider before use of items. Use it not recommended during pregnancy and nursing.  

How do you use CBD?

There are many ways CBD* can be introduced into the body by clients and the most common ways are...

By eating and ingesting CBD products made to consume by mouth. These  are called "Edibles." Some of these products may be sugar free. The effect takes longer to experience and is known to create a long lasting effect subject to person using the product. Now you know why Uncle named his baked goods "magic" cookies or brownies! Some CBD oils (water soluble) are able to be used in drinks which will be noted by the vendor or seller.

By applying CBD products directly onto the skin. These are called "Topicals." They come in a variety of application methods: click stick, jar, tube, spray, roll on, and any other way vendors package them. The effect may target a specific area and length of effect is subject to the person using product. "Transdermal" CBD products are also applied to the skin and may enter the bloodstream with length of effect subject to person using the product.

By dropping CBD oil under the tongue aka "sublingual route". The onset is rapid acting entering the bloodstream and great for those that cannot metabolize substances thru the stomach because it bypasses the digestion tract. These products are what the "CBD oil" craze is all about and may also be referred to as "Drops or Tinctures." These products are believed to be most effective when the oil sits under the tongue for at least 30-60 seconds to be absorbed thru the sublingual glands. 

By smoking or vaping. These products are called "flower, bud, dry CBD, vape liquid/oil/juice." Often a device is needed to compliment the product such as a "bowl, bong, rolling papers, vape pen, vape cartridge" or other devices used to facilitate inhaling these products for an almost immediate effect and with length of effect subject to the person using product. Please note, if a CBD is available for vaping it will be noted by the vendor otherwise vaping may be harmful. 

These are the most common CBD products available, there may be more not listed here such as bath soaks or body melts.

Our CBD Mission

- Our goal is to provide and support use of the most effective, natural and organic CBD items available. We only work with vendors that are able to produce a COA for each product we have available! Contact us to find out what is in stock.
- We carefully select each vendor for their diverse product availability and quality, in order to provide a holistic variety of items that may enhance our client's experience. 
- Each brand we select to promote and support use of, must align with our values as well as  our role in the cannabis industry. Their products must be trialed in house or by current clients for a positive effect before it becomes a regular stocked item. In addition, each vendor must provide top notch customer service to us and to our clients as needed.

If you're interested in any vendor products you don't see, please message us and we can explore your interests to get ordered asap!
We have access to ALL of our vendors items and only carry specific items/amounts. 
Please note, commercial CBD may have many benefits and our local compassion centers also do a great job of providing CBD products. Book appointment with us for a one-to-one CBD consult to learn more about CBD and know what to ask or look for when buying commercial CBD.


Fast acting.
Our favorite Natural flavor in MCT Oil


Pain relief items that works!
Longer relief on target area.
(Neck, Back) 

CBD Edibles

Full-Spectrum Mushroom* Supplements
Delayed relief for:
Improved Focus or Sleep
Mushroom ingredients: Reishi, Cordyceps, Chaga, Lion’s Mane
*Non-Psychoactive, Non-Psychedelic.